The article deals with human resources in the field of agricultural (rural) tourism of the Russian Federation as a whole and in Volgograd region in particular, as one of the most important development factors of this direction of import substitution in the economy of rural areas and the national tourism and hospitality industry. The most pressing problems of personnel potential training process of the Russian agritourism business is identified , namely, its lack of practical orientation, shortage of qualified teachers and practitioners, deficit of regional enterprises that are engaged exclusively in agritourism business and the need therefore for highly qualified personnel. Based on the analysis of the situation in the market of tourist services, the authors reveal the need for an objective study of foreign experience in the rural tourism development, as well as the use of positive results in the process of qualified personnel training in the Russian regions. The article highlights the key role of standards and requirements of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" in the formation of educational programs of higher and second- ary vocational education. It creates together with the GOST R 56641 "Service small funds placement. Rural guest houses. General requirements " adopted in 2015, the conditions for the development of professional standards and qualification requirements for personnel of agritourism objects. The authors prove the necessity of staffing in rural tourism is in agricultural universities, both in programs of higher and additional vocational training. The article presents results of consistent work of Volgograd State Agricultural University to creation of the conditions for the start-up of agricultural (rural) tourism in the region related to the conduction of educational, scientific and practical events. The authors define forward-looking plan for the development of innovative directions in the educational activities of the university, oriented to training of qualified personnel for agritourism.
rural (agricultural) tourism, human resources, practice-oriented training, additional education
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