Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the formation of rural hospitality in the Russian Federation. We describe the deep cultural, historical and spiritual roots of the phenomenon of hospitality in different ethnic groups living in our country. Proceeding from the need to find appropriate directions of rural hospitality formation, the article introduces a number of tasks that contribute to the successful solution of given problems. The article discloses the concept of "rural hospitality" in activity and spiritual aspects, characterizes motivation of rural hospitality consumers and reveals those qualities, which the owners of rural estates should have. The legal and socio-economic basics for the formation of hospitality spheres are analyzed. Terminological apparatus of GOST R 56641-2015 "Small funds accommodation services. Rural guest houses. General requirements” is carefully considered. The article highlights the important role of rural tourism in addressing a number of issues of rural areas sustainable development, such as the conservation of small settlements, the development of additional employment, increasing incomes, strengthening of youth in rural areas. The authors present own opinion on the structure and the essential characteristics of the product "rural hospitality" that includes a number of levels, each of which is the object of improving to create optimal tourist product. A systematic interpretation of the substantive descriptions of "rural hospitality service" category is suggested. The strategic directions of state policy in hospitality sphere are outlined, which is associated with the relief of the tax burden for the rural guest houses, development of infrastructure in rural areas, competent information support for the promotion of rural hospitality products in the domestic and international tourist market, the improvement of service quality in rural tourism, on the basis of staff training, development and implementation of service standards.

rural hospitality, rural tourism, sustainable development of rural areas, rural hospitality product structure, rural service of hospitality

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