Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relationship of the European Union and Russia as historically close and not having an alternative is considered based on the analysis of various treaties, agreements and programs between the EU and the Russian Federation. It is shown that their potential has not yet been using a fully and is being implemented in the interests our nations and citizens. Importance for Russia partnership with the European Union was once again confirmed after the presidential elections in Russia. Guidance documents and Decrees of the Russian President and the Government of the Russian Federation, aimed at creating the most effective forms of cooperation and integration in Europe were considered. Issues stabilization of financial systems and the modernization of the economyhave been discussed. Despite the intervention of politics in economic relations between Russia and the EU, the impossibility of preserving the old paradigm of «strategic partnership», there is the prospect of restarting relations based on respect for the interests of both parties and mutually beneficial cooperation. The paper investigates how perceptions of each other all over the Europe can be improved using both application of legal instruments and effects of traditional research and development activity in different humanitarian and educational programs.

Russia, the European Union, humanitarian cooperation, legal instruments, pragmatism, partnership, research and development.


According to the Presidential Decree of May 7, 2012 № 605 «On measures to implement the foreign policy of the Russian Federation», considerable attention is paid to issues of relations with the EU. The main tasks of the Russian foreign policy in relations with the European Union are:

  • Strategic objective-creating a common economic and humanspace from the Atlantic to the Pacific;
  • Agreement with the EU to abolish visas for shortterm mutual trips of citizens; upholding the principles of equality and mutual benefit in the work on a new basic agreement between Russia and the EU strategic partnership;
  • Contribution to the effective implementation of the program "Partnership for Modernization»;
  • Development of mutually beneficial energy partnerships in order to create a single European energy sector, ensuring strict compliance with existing bilateral and multilateral treaty obligations (Presidential Decree of May 7, 2012 № 605).

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