Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In recent years there has been updating of various problems of organization, functioning and development of local self-government system in Russia. Research and publication activity of Russian scientists shows it. The scientists of the Institute of Public Administration and Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration have dealt with the problems of local government in sociological research. Also the problems of increasing the level of consistency of local government, based on assessment of some of the essential aspects of this process such as the interaction of local authorities with federal and regional authorities and management in the solution of territorial problems. It was determined that all categories of participants of the study generally appreciate changes in the activities of local governments over the past 5 years, however, it is early to prove that positive changes have significantly increased the level of systemic development of Institute of local government– participants in the research were divided into two approximately equal groups, adhering to positive and negative evaluations. The conclusion derived from the analysis of the materials research: consistency of local government provides a variety of factors and conditions that have their own dynamic of change, and it is necessary to understand and analyze them constantly and purposefully.

local government, state government, municipal service, public service, cooperation between state and local authorities

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