The article describes the contents of sociological support of methodology to form management staff. Attraction of sociological aspect is due to the fact that with each next step in the management hierarchy demands on the person are intensified who knows how to communicate and organize productive activity of a social group,. The refined definition of the concept of sociological support is presented, as well as its structure and functions. Sociological enforcement of forming the management apparatus in terms of organization expresses the strategy, tactics and technique of using tools of sociodiagnostic formation, development and correction of psycho-physiological, psychological and socio-psychological characteristics that ensure an adequate normal state of a person in the real working and living conditions.The definition of the concept of sociological support, its structure and functions are given. The prerequisites for the methodology formation to ensure sociological requirements, principles, methods and means of realization are described.
sociological support, management staff formation, methodology, social competence, social position, social compatibility
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