The article examined the following aspects: universal means of countering corruption in the various legal systems; the main directions of the state anti-corruption policy at the present stage; criminological features of crime of corruption, as well as theoretical and practical issues related to increasing of the efficiency of mechanisms for the settlement of competing interests. The scientific ideas and new approaches of the anti-corruption efforts were identified and formulated by the participants of the Fifth Eurasian Anti-Corruption Forum “Law and Order and Corruption: Modern Challenges”, held in Moscow on 20 — 21 April 2016. The annual Eurasian Anti-Corruption Forum is traditionally attended by representatives of international and foreign organizations (IACA, FATF, OECD, EAG, Transparency International, UNCAC), the federal and regional governmental bodies, scientific and educational institutions and leading Russian and foreign experts. The main Forum’s goals — understanding of fundamental scientific and actual problems of realization the principles of the rule of law in the formation of international and national anti-corruption strategies, as well as the discussion of the problems relating to overcoming of the prerequisites of conflict of interest and corruption practices in the public and private spheres.
Eurasian Anti-Corruption Forum, fight against corruption, national plan, “network” of corruption, anti-corruption clause.