Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The present article is devoted to identifying the sources and gathering information system in the process of prosecutorial supervision over the implementation of laws on combating corruption. On the basis of the content of the legal acts regulating the activities of designated prosecutors in the field of supervision over the implementation of laws on combating corruption as well as the application thereof, and also statistics, the author undertakes to study the information component of the activities of prosecutors in the field in question. The definition and classification are based on the information used in this area by supervisory agencies. The author analyzed the powers of prosecutors in the field in question. Special attention is given to the existing restrictions established for the methods of working with the information that is accessible to prosecutors. The author specifies the causes which give rise to liability for breach of such requirements. The article also contains a number of recommendations relating to the collection and identification of sources of information in the exercise of prosecutorial supervision over the implementation of laws on combating corruption. The conclusion is that the achievement of positive results in supervisory activities in this area is impossible without the high-quality information and analytical support for the activities of the prosecutor.

prosecutorial supervision, anti-corruption, information and analytical support.

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