Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The author of the article reviews a definition of conflicts of interest which are used in such international legal acts as the Convention of the United Nations against corruption (2003), The Convention against bribery of foreign officials during implementation of international commercial transactions which was adopted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (1997), as well as in the national legislation of the Russian Federationа and a number of other countries (The Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Moldova, the Kyrgyz Republic). Subject to analysis are the organizational and legal mechanisms aimed at preventing and settlement of conflict of interests, procedure of notification of personal interests which might give rise to the collision of interests both within the sphere of state sector and private sector alike. Along with it the author analyses the problems in the course of implementation of the respective legal machinery. Specifically, it relates to the moral aspects of prevention and settlement of the conflict of interests in view of deficiencies in the existing system of normative anti corrupt prohibitions, restrictions and obligations — all aimed to prevent all possible types of corruptive practices.

conflict of interests, personal interest, counteracting corruption practices, state service, municipal service.

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