Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the definition of the conditions under which it is possible to apply the rules on evasion of law in civil relations complicated by a foreign element. It is possible to recognize evasion of law only by identification of characteristic features of this legal phenomenon in private international law. The author substantiates the idea that the dispute about the validity of imposing a ban on evasion of law in private international law doesn’t have political and legal importance: should not deny the theory of evasion of law, but to define the conditions under which it is possible to apply the norms of evasion of law. The problem is how to make the norms of evasion of law an effective means of suppression to disservice of an indefinite number of people, the protection of public policy. When imposing a ban on the evasion of law the most important is the question of the pending consequences when and where the acts of evasion of law will be revealed. The article deals with the question of identification the legal consequences of qualification of actions as done through evasion of law. Besides, the article attends to the response to “evasion of law” in the national legal systems.

private international law, evasion of law, piercing the corporate veil, good-faith, abuse of right, super-mandatory rules, invalid transaction, offshore company.

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