Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
disorders was analyzed by a continuous method. 24 (20,2 %) of them were recognized as disabled for the first time, 95 (79,8 %) – were recognized as repeatedly disabled; 80,7 % were of working age, but only 10 persons of them (10,4 %) worked. The need for medical rehabilitation was revealed in 100 % of people with disabilities, for professional rehabilitation – in 65,6 %, for social rehabilitation – in 23,5%, for adaptive physical training – in 0,8 %. Full rehabilitation in re-examination was achieved only in 1,3 % of cases, partial rehabilitation – in 1,3 %, employment – in 1 case. Weighting of disability was occurred in 5,2 %. In order to improve the efficiency of complex rehabilitation of disabled people it should include socio-psychological, socio-cultural rehabilitation and adaptive physical education in addition to medical and professional rehabilitation.

depressive disorders, disability , rehabilitation

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