Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the actual problem of identifying priority areas of implementation of the state educational policy in modern Russia. The author summarizes the political and legal basis of the state policy in the sphere of education, determines the problematic aspects of the activities of state bodies in the field of education, and suggests the ways to optimize educational policy based on complex management actions. The author notes that the priorities of the state educational policy are objectified in legal acts, state programs, concepts. It is noted that the translation of the federal legal framework in the field of education are the regional programs. Their goal is synergistic social and economic effects, namely: increasing the competitiveness of education, human capital, ensuring the needs of the growing economy for qualified workers and improving the efficiency of their use; improving the efficiency of the use of budgetary funds in the area of education through the implementation of integrated system projects. Mechanisms for the implementation of educational strategies, based on complex management actions, would create a single federal center of legal and methodical support of educational institutions, the establishment of standard quality assessment in the field of education in view of the variety of types and kinds of educational institutions.

education, state education policy, problem field of educational policy, promising areas of educational policy

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