The research of level and quality of life in Russian Federation is affected by many leading scientific organizations of the country. This is usually population of working age and younger participates in the individual and regular studies, and only several indicators of level and quality of life of these categories of the population are being studied. Studies of life of elderly people usually are one-time research in the period of reform and social upheaval. But, at the end of 2010 the President of Russia paid attention on the need to assess the socio-economic situation of elderly people and the situation began to change gradually. Monitoring of many indicators of life of the elderly population is being conducted regularly in many regions of the country. The author analyzes the 5-years experience of the Comprehensive monitoring of the level and quality of life of elderly people in Moscow in relation to using research results in practice. This article describes in details the possibilities of using the data of monitoring in administrative, scientific, educational, research and experimental activities of agencies of the social protection system in Moscow.
monitoring, the level and quality of life, the elderly inhabitants of Moscow, the results of research, webinar, focus group
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