Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the categories “protection of the right to social support” and “social protection”, which, in the author’s opinion, should be differentiated. The author presents the approach to understanding protection of any right as a variant of realization of the right in a very specific form. The author analyzes forms of protection of the right to social support (jurisdictional (legal) form is presented as activities of the right protection bodies, envisaged by the statute, and interests, protected by the statute, and non-jurisdictional (non-legal) form — as application of measures by an authorized subject independently, without applying to any body); their typical methods, applied as part of a civil process through judicial recourse, and also through self-protection of the right to social support. The author considers variants of protection of citizens’ rights by trade unions, and through applying to the commission on labor disputes. The author notes discrepancies in covering the methods of right protection by the rules of the civil and labor legislation.

forms and methods of protection, rights’ protection mechanisms, self-protection, trade union control, the commission on labor disputes.

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