Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the Russian legislation on disciplinary responsibility during state civil service. The purpose of the article is to analyze the legislation on disciplinary responsibility during the civil service career and prospects of its development in the context of overcoming corruption, impact of the labor legislation on the formation of legal regulation of state service career taking into account its peculiar features. The article analyzes the list of minor offenses which can entail such disciplinary punishment as dismissal and its relation with the list of grounds for employment contract cancellation at the initiative of the employer´s representative, both for numerous non-execution, and for a single gross violation of the official duties by a civil servant. The author provides the analysis of the rules regulating types of punishments for non-compliance with the requirements on prevention of conflicts of interests.

disciplinary responsibility of a civil servant, disciplinary sanction, dismissal in connection with the loss of confidence, job rules, official schedule of the public body, functional audit check.

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