Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries in many countries, able to bring a steady and recurring income in the economy of the state. In order to effectively use the existing tourism resources (natural, climatic, geographic, historical, cultural, etc.), we must clearly know the answers on the many questions, among which the following are most important. What is attractive area for visitors? What are the strengths and weaknesses of tourist product affecting the attraction of the mass tourism flow? How to neutralize existing risk to tourist destinations development? The issues of tourism industry competitiveness of Kaliningrad region and features of regional tourism market development are the aim of the study. One of the fundamental aspects of the formation of a favorable image of a tourism territory is the issue of transport accessibility and competent tourism logistics. The article presents and analyzes the main elements of the ranking of countries competitiveness in travel and tourism (Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index -TTCI), drawn up jointly by the World Tourism Forum in Davos, the International air transport association (IATA), the World Council of Travel and Tourism (WTTC) and the World tourism organization of the United Nations (UNWTO). The author determines the place and importance of the key indicators of the competitiveness relatively increasing numbers of tourists. In addition, the current status of the tourism industry and the transport infrastructure of Kaliningrad region are described, the elements that impact on formation of the regional competitive tourism complex in Kaliningrad region are considered. Scientific and practical significance of the study is in the analysis of the main elements of the transport accessibility of Kaliningrad region, which can be used in the design and adjustment of the tourism development strategy of Kaliningrad region.
competitiveness, regional tourist complex, transport accessibility, favorable tourism climate
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