Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. This article is dedicated to compare computed radiography (CR) X-Ray testing method with conventional testing, which uses X-Ray films, in aerospace sector. This problem is very urgent, because digital inspection methods are widely used in different industries. The purpose of the article was to describe experiments made at Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center (Moscow). Method. We have compared inspection results obtained from the CR system (Duerr HD CR-35 NDT Plus with X-Vizor software) and a conventional film system (P5). Some X-rays of parts made of aluminum and steel are presented in the article. Results. Studies have shown that the sensitivity achieved with the high-resolution imaging plate (Duerr HD-IP Plus) was not worse than the sensitivity obtained with P5 X-Ray film. The exposure time was the same and X-ray tube voltage in case of CR system was 20% less. Sensitivity achieved with standard resolution imaging plates (Duerr IP) was also not worse than the results obtained with P5 X-Ray films, but the exposure time in that case was 3-4 times less. X-ray tube voltage in case of CR system was again 20% less. All the flaws existing on the film images are clearly visible on the digital images obtained with the high resolution CR system. Conclusion. It can be concluded that application of CR systems in aerospace industry is permissible and economically justified.

computed radiography, high-resolution imaging plates, Duerr, X-ray films, missile and space equipment

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