Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article investigates the conceptual foundations of local self-government in the Russian Federation. The article analyzes the current status of the legislation on local self-government. The author analyzes in retrospective the limits of participation of the Russian Federation’s constituent entities with regard to local government. A peculiar feature of local government is the expansion of the powers of public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in regulating the issues of local self-government organization. The article analyzes the legal nature of the redistribution of powers, provides classification of the redistributed powers. The author studies the laws of the Russian Federation governing the redistribution of powers. The author reveals the tendency of the transfer to the regional level of powers, which traditionally deal with local matters. These include the powers to address issues of local importance in organizing funeral services and burial places, disposal and recycling of household and industrial waste, organizing of transport services, forest monitoring, land use planning, and others.

local government, redistribution of powers, federal, regional, reform, a model, law, constituent entity.

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