Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article, the author carries out a historical analysis of the French law influence on the development of the Russian legal system. In this article, the author refers to the assessment of such influence at the level of the “spirit” and the “letter” of the law. In particular, “the spirit” of the French law penetrated into the Russian terrain due to close relationship maintained between France and Russia for a long period. One can observe direct dispersive influence of the French law on the evolution of the domestic system of justice at the level of the “letter” of the law in the process of drafting and implementation of the private and public law reforms. Summing up the results of the conducted research, the author, in general, positively evaluates the results of the open model of development of the Russian legal system, involving the use of foreign (particularly French) experience in the reconstruction of the national legal order, and concludes that in the context of the reforms, the Russian legislator should not maintain aloofness to global legal trends, but be part of the whole, without ceasing to be individual.

law, system, influence, Russian, French, evolution.

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