Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this paper, an analysis of the road network and infrastructure of the Bryansk region on the example of the federal highway M-3 "Ukraine" (Kiev highway). The description of the state of road fabric, its length and the number of lanes. Transport-performance of the road network and bridges do not meet the stresses of modern heavy vehicles and traffic. The planned activities of the area is not considered raising technical category road. To improve the region´s economy and the country´s need to carry out the improvement of road infrastructure, taking into account the different methods that will reduce accidents on the roads, increase and accelerate the flow of goods through the region. It proposed a number of measures to enhance the capacity: to improve the quality of road surface with the transfer of the 1st category; adding overlapping areas; the creation of parking areas and service centers for freight transport, and installation of video cameras for control and monitoring of the road.

road infrastructure, road, transport, control, cargo

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