Rubrics: REVIEW
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Abstract (English):
Experience of the last ten years says that monuments become the object of violations and destructions. Almost daily shocking news of vandalism on burial places are appearing in mass media. Such behavior of violators of the law causes sincere neglect and misunderstanding in decent citizens. At the same time citizens are concerned by safety of monuments as subjects of a material world, look for ways to save them from possible encroachments, and themselves from unplanned expenditure on their restoration. It is known that the monuments executed from noble stones, shod fencings and marble slabs cost much, and from time to time is very expensive. And it is twice offensive when such gravestone constructions are exposed to attack and plunder. Today in Russia there are protected cemeteries, but as practice shows, and protection isn´t able to save a grave from this trouble. In that case insurance companies come to the rescue. They are ready to compensate the damage caused by vandals in the presence of the insurance contract. At first sight this service is strange, but its demand says that the condition of society where such immoral manifestations are possible is strange. The insurance contract execution of gravestone constructions of insurance company requires the passport of the insurer, the name of a cemetery and number of a grave, and also the documents for production of these constructions confirming the corresponding expenses. It is need to be note that such insurance can directly be made out on a place and supplement the list of the provided funeral services.

insurance, property insurance, insurer, insurant, insurance premium, insured sum, insurance tariff

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