The article raises the question of the research methods of consumer loyalty level in the hospitality industry and considers the main approaches to this concept. In recent years the Russian market of hotel services has expanded. The authors present the indicators of activity of collective accommodation facilities in 2000-2014 and consider the development trends in hotel business. The process aiming at developing customer loyalty is the bedrock of brand management and formation of hospitality industry. This process is created through emotional and functional benefits; as a result, the article discusses the steps of the formation of customer loyalty. The authors disclose the concept of "loyalty", both domestic and foreign authors, and on the basis of diversity of interpretations of this term give the terms “consumer loyalty” and “customer loyalty”. Consumers of hotel services are one of the factors of competitiveness of the enterprise, and the factor of customer loyalty is becoming a leading element, all of this cause the necessity to study this phenomenon. The article presents main points that define loyalty as a customer orientation. Based on the fact that the hospitality companies are fighting for customer loyalty, the authors have examined four concepts, which are focused on the consumer (the concept of"4C"), as well as forms of loyalty and objects, through which customer loyalty can be measured. In order to keep their client, enterprises of hospitality industry need to improve service quality, improve service levels, and concepts of building loyalty contribute to this.
loyalty, personnel loyalty, consumer loyalty, loyalty marketing, hospitality industry, competitiveness
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