Current geopolitical changes and trends in socio-economic development increase the importance and prospects of development of domestic tourism. Emerging opportunities are significant not only for well-known destinations and tourist products, but also for tourism products and routes that by their attractiveness is competitive with the objects of mass tourism demand. Considering the possibilities of development of weekend tourism, flashpacker and trailering, can be concluded that the sector of rural tourism in all its diversity, can attract a significant part of the tourist flow. At present, rural tourism is not a mass leisure activity. Researches of needs and interests of tourists are known. However, there are no researches revealing assessment of the prospects of existing or potential rural tourism projects. With that, it should be emphasized that they are not only important for investors or business leaders, but also for tourism administrations as a tool to identify barriers or areas of support of rural tourism projects. Rural tourism - one of the most famous and popular forms of recreation. Many experts note its ability to compete with the leaders of the global tourism - beach and cultural tourism. Stavropol Krai of the Russian Federation is region with high level of agricultural development and rich touristic and recreational potential. Development of private sector in agriculture industry, aspiration of small and large private companies to diversify their activities by expanding non-agricultural segment caused the formation and development of rural tourism. Variety of tourism resources and cultural heritage of Stavropol region allowed entrepreneurs to create different tourist products in the segment of rural recreation. In the current context the formation of rural tourism industry in the Stavropol region is the rightful issue. The author has conducted marketing research to study the attitude of agriculture entities in Stavropol region to engaging in tourist activities. The data obtained show the positive attitude of agriculture entities of the region to the tourist activity. However, more than 89% of respondents consider it necessary to develop a state policy in the field of rural tourism at the federal and regional levels.
rural tourism, Stavropol region, research
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