Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article considers the basic concepts of the private international law doctrine about “splitting of the statute”. Statute splitting is the phenomenon when more than one legal order is applied at the same time to a single legal relation. However, there are several conflicting approaches regarding this scientific issue. Representatives of one of the approaches see splitting of the statute in the domestic law conflicts of state characterized by a multiplicity of legal systems. Representatives of the other approach believe that splitting of the statute occurs when separate parts of a single legal relation are subject to different conflict of law rules. The author of this article holds the opinion of the representatives of yet another approach to this issue and gives arguments in favor of the position that “genuine” splitting of statute means that a single legal relation is regulated by a single conflict of laws rule but in reality the laws of several states rather than the law of one state are applied according to the facts of the single legal relation. The author suggests new terminology for the “splitting of the statute” concept.

Private international law, splitting of the statute, choice of law, domestic law conflicts.

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