An algebraic model of constructive logic is intended to build multivariate non-linear logical mathematical model and is widely used in analytical studies in medicine and biology. An important stage of its construction is the data preparation in accordance with the following requirements: ▪ The optimal choice of the analyzed factors with the following features: the pursuit of the researcher to involve the largest possible number of factors is a common mistake; factors must be independent; it is advisable to select only those factors that meet the research objectives; the ability of the algorithm to exclude certain fac-tors from the resulting mathematical model, it is observed, when the array of data input is sufficiently complete; the ability to use both continuous variables and discrete; the mathematical model is a more compact, if less factors are used, this model is easier to analyze and identify the characteristics of the test process. ▪ Verification of the data is the identification and correction of errors at the stage of entering the informa-tion into the database; using the built-in intelligent tools that facilitate the process of correct coding of medical information; additional data verification by using special techniques, such as the analytical testing method in the database records. ▪ Selecting of objective study with the following features: the goal can be represented not only two dis-crete (the goal is achieved or not achieved), but also a large number of them; the more discrete, the amount of base should be larger; possibility to use calculated target value by using various criteria. ▪ Presence of the necessary number of entries for a full analysis, it is necessary to ensure compliance with each of the target case (corresponding to the goal) at least two cases of non-target (not corresponding to the goal). ▪ Choice of software options is adequate available data. These requirements will allow to performing the analytical studies in accordance with the required relia-bility.
data preparation, algorithm, database, requirements.
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