In recent years there has been a marked increase in the number of patients with primary and metastatic tumors of the musculoskeletal system. Skeletal system is one of the most affected in various cancer diseases, such as breast, prostate, kidney, thyroid, lung cancer, gastro-intestinal tract. The authors use the individual metal-polymer express-endoprosthesis for replacement of bone defects in primary and secondary tumors of the musculoskeletal system and spine. The purpose and the objectives of this study were to present the possibilities of proposed surgical technique and to increase its effectiveness by the use of the new immunodiagnostic methods. The essence of immunodiagnostics was assessment the state of natural immunity to the definition of autoantibody levels only in the affected organs, as well as immune correction in the early postoperative period using immunoglobulins, fast adaptogens, immunomodulators "Vitavis" and powerful antioxidant neutral Anolyte produced at the facility Stela NPO "Screen" of the Medical and Technical Academy. Use of the fast adaptogens, immunomodulators, neutral Anolyte, immunoglobulins allows to optimize postoperative dynamics of biochemical and immune parameters, to reduce the risk of complications and to accelerate wound healing, to speed up the "engraftment" implants, to reduce the postoperative period. A new approach to the evaluation of the immune status at the level of oncological diseases of autoimmunity allows to identify the affected tumor process bodies (lesions, microlesions, metastases, hidden metastases), to detect the presence of systemic activation or suppression of the immune system, which is the justification for the use of immunosuppressive or immunostimulatory therapy. Identifying systemic immunosuppression by humoral type allows to use new methods of immunotherapy of oncological diseases - Ig-therapy, as well as to select individual regimens according to the degree of immunosuppression.
fast-adaptogen Vitavis, metal-polymer express-endoprosthesis, neutral Anolyte, determination of the level of natural autoantibodies.
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