Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of study was to investigate the short-term and long-term effects of the autogenous training (AT) and to search the evaluation criteria of successfulness of AT mastering. It was carried out a comparative analysis of dynamics of changes of the galvanic skin response (GSR), ECG and infrared irradiation of hands, as during the session, as well as at the initial and final stage of the AT course. 10 patients have been studied: 5 women and 5 men aged 19-21 years. AT training was implemented basing on the classic Schulz method for 20 sessions. On the basis of the dynamics of physiological characteristics it was established that the GSR reduction is the most representative indicator of the short-term adaptation to AT. The ability to voluntarily prolong the R-R interval was determined as a criterion of successfulness of mastering of AT. The ability to voluntarily increase temperature of the hands during the AT session was determined as the most significant parameter of the long-term adaptation to AT. The revealed physiological criteria of dynamics of acquisition of AT can be used in practice; availability of instrumental diagnostics means, including the portable infrared thermometer CEM TermoDiagnostics and the automatic tonometer, can contribute to a more widespread application of AT tech-niques.

Autogenous (autogenic) training, self-regulation of the functional state, adaptation, galvanic skin response, electrocardiogram (ECG), infrared thermometer.

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