Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
It is wellknown that infrastructure carries out one of the most significant functions – creates general conditions for effectiveness increase in managing subject functioning: affects the improvement of labor conditions in social production, distribution sphere development, is a condition for basic branch development. The paper represents the result of the analysis of home and foreign scientists’ works. The idea of “infrastructure” within the limits of the historical development process of labourmanagement relations is considered, the directions for the infrastructure classification formation are put forward, the significance of infrastructure effectiveness estimation for the subjects of economical activity is substantiated. The paper reports the infrastructure classification within the limits of a horizontal and vertical analysis: criteria defining the functioning effectiveness of the corresponding kinds of infrastructure. In conclusion it is emphasized that the infrastructure could be defined as a system the main problem of which is a corresponding support of the main structure (population, works, branch, economy in the whole). The researches and analysis of infrastructure elements allow estimating the degree of its influence upon the main structure, that is, upon its corresponding objects and, in the end, can contribute to their stable and sustainable development.

infrastructure, vertical analysis, horizontal analysis, effectiveness
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