Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. The paper presents a possible approach to the assessment of the probability of omission the equipment failure, which is controlled by the monitoring system, considering the influence of a human factor (as a managing part of a monitoring system) on monitoring results. The aim of this paper is a selection and assessment of those components of the human factors that affect the likelihood of failure in modern monitoring systems. Method. The components of human errors and their probabilities in the management of industrial complex have been analyzed using the approaches and data for assessing the nuclear power plants personnel reliability. The data included the reliability of information perception, decision-making, executive actions of the operator, and others. Results. The probability of hazardous equipment state omission by a monitoring system has been assessed on the basis of abovementioned data analysis; the system meets the requirements of GOST R 53563, GOST R 53564 and represents a system of the First class. Conclusion. The provided data show that it is possible to assess the probability of hazardous equipment state omission, taking into account the static and dynamic monitoring system errors and the human factor influence. The advanced achievements in the fields of engineering psychology, art design of information support systems, support systems for situation assessment, decision making and implementing, as well as the achievements in the field of equipment condition monitoring in various industries are the basis for the assessment.

risks, monitoring, diagnostics, technical condition, human factor

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