Elec, Lipetsk, Russian Federation
It is wellknown that at long braking and parking of a train or a single railroad car the air pressure in brake cylinders and control reservoirs gradually drops because of air leaks that results in exhaustion of brake as a consequence of this a rollingstock can start spontaneous motion which can cause severe damages and accidents. It is a substantial drawback in an indirectacting automatic brake. To eliminate such a drawback there was developed a promising brake design at the level of an invention in Bunin ESU and a set of computations for the substantiation of rational parameters for a springing element excluding the cessation of brake functioning and hence a possibility for spontaneous rollingstock motion.
control reservoir, brake cylinder, air distributor, piston, bucket, brake blocks, springing (elastic) element, parking brake.
1. Cars. Design, Theory and Computation / under the editorship of L.A. Shadur. - М.: Transport, 1980 - pp.439.
2. Krylov, V.I., Locomotive Brakes / V.I. Krylov. - М.: Transzheldorinzdat, 1963. - pp. 461.
3. Zapletokhin, V.A. Parts and Mechanical Devices Designing: Reference Book / V.A. Zapletokhin. - L.: Mechanical Engineering, 1990. - pp. 669.
4. Ponomaryov, S.D. Computation of Resilient Mem-bers of Machines and Devices/ S.D. Ponomaryov, L.E. Andreyeva. - М.: Mechanical Engineering, 1980. - pp. 326.