The article describes systematic approach as a methodological basis of analysis of the socio-cultural sphere of the region. The author argues its comprehensive application, discloses the principles of scientific research on the socio-cultural problems with the system approach, such as structuring, objective research methods, the empirical validity of the theses. The efficiency and usefulness of the system-oriented approach for the analysis of socio-cultural issues in the region are substantiated on the example of the Orel region, as well as its role in the development of priority directions of the region´s cultural policy. Some important questions are marked such as the patriotic education of the younger generation, involving young people to the historical past of the native land, the problems of insufficient using of the potential of the regional culture are touched upon, the problems of realization of the right to participate in cultural life and to have free access to cultural values are presented.
systematic approach, basic principles and main parts of the systematic approach, socio-cultural sphere, socio-cultural issues, infrastructure in the sphere of culture, resources of culture
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