The monograph is devoted to the most actual problems of modern water law. D. O. Sivakov, guided by a very significant scientific and practical materials, analyzed the controversial issues of legal regulation of water relations, which until recent time have not been studied sufficiently. The author made a comparative analysis of the Russian and foreign experience of legal regulation of water relations. In the presented monograph were found existing in the current trend of development of water legislation. The author also analyzed the legal aspects of water management. Consistently analyzed the legal regime of use and protection of water bodies. Separately analyzed the characteristics of the different legal entities of water relations. In addition, D. O. Sivakov studied right of property and other rights to water bodies. Scientific research conducted by the author, performed at a high theoretical and practical level, and accordingly, can be implemented both in sphere of scientific research and in practice.
Water law, water relationship, water management, water bodies, right to property.
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