Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Various forms of cooperation between law enforcement authorities and the public (civil society) in the fight against offenses in order to strengthen national security are detailed in the article. Among the law enforcement agencies the following authorities are highlighted: the prosecuting authorities, internal affairs bodies, state fire service, anti-corruption service and the service of economic investigations, which are operating in accordance with the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Certain aspects are researched, the principles for such interaction are proposed. Within counteract threats to national security the author fragmentarily emphasized in particular, social security, military security, political security, economic security, informational security and environmental safety. The role of inter-ministerial committees for prevention of offenses under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the public councils under law enforcement bodies was distinguished. The authors note that the participation of public organizations in law enforcement activities of the state is provided by the Plan of measures on realization of the State Program of further modernization of the judicial system of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2014—2020. The mandatory learning of the basics of personal and public safety by citizens, involved in law enforcement activity and the need of methodological and logistical support is provided.

Law enforcement system, cooperation, national security, public.

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