Introduction. The interaction between projectiles of small arms/ordnance and composite platings is accompanied with rather complex processes within plating materials, frequently interconnected and interdependent, which proceed simultaneously and result in the absorption of projectiles kinetic energy. Existing methods of plating quality control based on determination of a projectile penetration depth into the material beyond the armour plating (for example in plasticine), have relatively large error and are not always practicable. Method. The work offers a new quality-evaluation method for armour platings based on the analysis of the dynamic temperature fields arising while interacting between projectiles and the plating. The special hardware and software support have been developed for the method. Results. The results obtained with the thermographic analysis were confirmed by the determination of a projectile penetration depth into the plasticine. The comparative results of both methods are presented in the article. Conclusion. The studies have made it possible to derive a number of new regularities while interacting between projectiles and the multilayer plating and to develop efficient and obvious procedures for evaluating the plating quality.
quality diagnostics, armour plating, temperature field, projectile
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