The article analyzes the position of a pathogenic biochemical indicators of status and antioxidant defense in patients with MS. It is shown that the degree of impairment of the insulin-receptor interaction in patients with MS is closely linked with the degree of lipid peroxidation and the content of Amadori products. Observed in MS accumulation of advanced glycation end-products of non-enzymatic proteins and lipids underlies the development of oxidative stress, forming an inadequate regulation of vascular tone, and can be considered as an additional criterion of reduction of the reserve capacity of the organism. It was found that the impact of courses of herbal medicine in combination with TMS has a strong antioxidant effect, which is realized by the direct action of antioxidant ingredients that make up phytococktails and thanks magnetobiological effects of transcranial magnetic effects. The set of identified effects, including a reduction in the concentration of non-enzymatic glycation end products, allows us to consider this approach as an effective technology pathogenetic correction of the main manifestations of MS and its prevention of the most common complications.
metabolic syndrome, herbal medicine, transcranial magnetic stimulation, lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzymes, non-enzymatic glycation end products
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