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Abstract (English):
The fallacy in using the legal fiction in the construction of Article 67.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is substantiated in the following article. Since the year 2014 the employer has been given a right not to accept employment relationships with persons actually admitted to work but not authorized by the representative of the employer. The new rule does not take into account the nature of the legal fiction and its basic functions. Legal fictions in the labor law should be used in order to create the legal conditions for optimal coordination of interests between the parties involved in labor relations, the interests of the state, to protect rights and interests of workers and employers. Application of the legal fiction in the Article 67 of the Labor Code is assessed to be justified, allowing to harmonize labor relations. The Article 67.1 of the Labor Code makes an exception to the general rule of the Article 67 by applying the same technique — using a legal fiction. In addition to the failure of this approach, new rules are contrary to the principles of labor law and enforcement practices, as well as create new legal uncertainties without providing adequate mechanisms for implementation. The paper points out the problems which arise in connection with the new norm of Article 67.1 of the Labor Code solutions required to overcome them and improve labor law on these issues are formulated in this article.

Legal fiction, actual admission to work, employment relationships.

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