Corporate University for the Development of Education
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The paper considers the problems concerning professional development of teachers in the context of the national educational system as a whole. Analyzed is the foreign experience of pedagogical personnel professional development. Various foreign practices of organizing the further professional training of educators, which are the most valuable in terms of applying in this country, are highlighted. Also defi ned are the options for the society to participate in the educational activities and the model of state and public administration and management of education. Priority areas for implementing the models of state and public administration and management of education are also defi ned. Based on the analysis of international experience the following priority areas for implementing the models of state and public administration of education are proposed: creating conditions for mutually benefi cial cooperation of models of state and public administration, applicable on diff erent levels (municipality, local self-government authorities, non-profi t non-political organizations, professional associations, etc.); training and advisory support to the members of the public, enabling them to participate in the state and public administration of education; training and consulting support to administration of education personnel on matters concerning the state and public administration and management of education.
modernization of education system, educational content development strategy, professional development of pedagogical personnel, state and public administration and management of education.
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