The article provides the analysis of the current business environment in the country, a classification of the factors hampering the development of small business; the ways to adapt foreign experience of development of crediting of small business in the Russian conditions are presented. At present stage of development of small enterprises their activity is complicated by a number of problems, among which the problem of insufficiency of own financial resources deserves special attention and the difficulty of borrowing, which reduces the effectiveness and impact of the activity of small enterprises. To identify the key small business lending trends in banks the study was conducted, which resulted in the conclusion that for the expansion of the volume of bank lending to small businesses in the Orel region and Russia it is necessary to increase the resource base of credit institutions (including the growth rate of equity capital) and investment attractiveness of lending. So the article identified the key trends in the development of bank lending to small businesses in the region and in the Russian Federation.
small business, credit, scoring, business environment, credit and investment potential
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