Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The essence and content of integration cooperation between the countries are revealed in the article, key directions of development of international economic relations in modern conditions are discussed, the main stages of formation of integration structures are described. Some obstacles to the development of integration processes are presented, and ways to remove them are identified. The position of Russia in the current economic situation and its participation in world economic relations are analyzed. The reasons for the emergence of anti-Russian sentiment, as well as its impact on the global environment are shown. The principles of Eurasian integration are studied, their comparison with the European Union´s actions I done to assess the positive and negative aspects in order to clarify the future prospects. The conditions for favorable development of economic integration between countries with regard of creation models of macroeconomic integrity are shown.

integrative education, industrialized countries, business environment, business activity, globalization of world economic relations, economic union, Eurasian integration, customs barrier, macroeconomic integrity, corporate investment

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