Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Object. The authors study scientifi c contribution made by 2015 Nobel prize in economics winner Angus Deaton to the researching poverty and inequality. Subject. Angus Deaton’s principal ideas and scientifi c methods of inequality and poverty study. Purpose. Main purpose of the paper is to review key propositions of Angus Deaton’s scientifi c approach to inequality and poverty study, describe his basic research methods, study comparable scientifi c approaches of Russian researches. Principal theoretic propositions of paper Deaton’s key ideas and basic methods include description of poverty by means of combined studying per-capita GDP and statistic and demographic data, analysis of living standards evaluations claimed by respondents in social and psychological surveys, defi nition of complex concept of poverty through researching social deprivation of the poor, comparative cross-country purchasing power parity analysis. Methodology of Deaton is complex and cross-disciplinary, it enables to make a systematic description of basic poverty characteristics. Let us remark that Russian scientists develop comparable methods. Russian studies of poverty, inequality and social welfare evolve in line with worldwide trends by reference to specifi c features of Russia, and political decisions in this fi eld refl ect mentality of Russian political quarters. Conclusions. Angus Deaton’s methodology enables to make complex research of poverty and social inequality in particular society. His interdisciplinary approach can be applied to study mentioned problems including such researches in Russia. Lead Russian economic, statistic, demographic, sociological and psychological methods are comparable to ones used by Deaton.

Angus Deaton, inequality, poverty, living standards, purchasing power parity, poverty line, income inequality, global inequality.

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