Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article the author analyses correlation between terms tasks and aims of the civil procedure in whole and these ones of the supervision proceedings in particular. Addressing Soviet and modern Russian jurists’ opinions, the author based on contextual reading of the law rule of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation that determines aims and tasks of the civil procedure offers her own vision of correlation between the above-mentioned terms and supposes division into the main and additional tasks of the civil procedure. Named tasks of the civil procedure the author considers that determining functions of the civil procedure as means to complete these tasks is needed. Comparing other authors’ terms of the civil procedure function the author formulates her term of a function of the civil procedure. Moreover the question concerning possible synonym of terms: principles, tasks, aims and functions of the civil procedure is also considered. Concluding characterization of the civil procedure functions the author disserts about functions of each stage of the civil procedure, with a particular focus on optional stages of the civil procedure, one of which is the supervision proceedings. Based on functions of the supervision proceedings in the civil procedure the author divides such functions into check, regulatory, protecting, control and right-conferring functions. Employing in particular historic-legal and comparative methods of research, the author of this article characterizes each of the above-mentioned functions, also through determining tasks of each particular function of the supervision proceedings in the civil procedure. In conclusion the author writes that it’s necessity to determine the functions of the supervision proceedings in civil procedure for the purpose of correct understanding the role of the supervision proceedings in the civil procedure of the modern Russian State.

Civil procedure, supervision proceedings, functions of supervision proceedings, aims and tasks of civil procedure, check of judicial acts.

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