Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the problem of e-contracts performed in the virtual space of the Internet. Based on the analysis of the legal entity of electronic contracts, the main of which are the agreements on performance of information services, the author comes to the conclusion about the institutional failure of contractual relations and the absence of regulations regulation of such relations. In the virtual space of the Internet for real agreements of uncompensated services that contribute to radical change theoretical-methodological character on the entire institution of the law of obligations. For this reason liability law the notion of “paid” should have their alternative price. Formula “grant only real contract of a particular type — gift, loan” in theoretical terms obsolete. Instead operates formula grant also consensual contracts of a certain type, by which we mean the set of contracts on rendering services in the virtual space. Offers specific regulatory measures to fill the legislative gaps in this area.

Contract, Internet, virtual space, relationship, commitment, free of charge.

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