Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In accordance with the strategy of the tourism cluster development of Kuzbass which aim is to promote domestic tourism product and expand the range of tourist services, the authors discuss the directions of development of municipal Chebulinsky district as a tourist destination, focusing on its unique historical, cultural and natural heritage. The authors explain the techniques and methods of museumification, reconstruction and updating of historical and cultural heritage with specific examples. They pay special attention to ethnographic heritage of the area, extent of its knowledge and its possible application in modern social and cultural environment, the formation of the tourist product based on it. Authors note that scientists carried out very little the ethnographic studies on the territory of municipal Chebulinsky district of the Kemerovo region, but ritual traditions of the areas are original and unique. The authors pay attention to the fact that the contemporary museumification of historical and cultural heritage requires an integrated approach: the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage is no less important than the preservation of material objects. Important components of material culture that can be the objects of museumification or reconstruction are the immovable objects of historical and cultural heritage: residential and commercial buildings, religious buildings. Giving specific examples of objects, the authors see opportunities for the development of religious tourism in the area. In addition, the authors emphasize the promotion of information about tourist and recreational cluster in the information space. Summing up, the authors pay attention to the fact that the project-innovative development of a tourist destination to Chebulinsky municipal district of the Kemerovo region is feasible through the organization of special events. For these events, it is necessary to create a complex of integrated projects, which is socially significant for the region strategic.

tourist-recreation cluster, domestic tourism, historical and cultural heritage, museumification, informative and communicative technologies

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