Moscow, Russian Federation
The study focuses on such lines of modern understanding of history as the creation of “living history” in the modern museum complexes, recreation of past historical events in documentary maximum proximity to the time of their occurrence. This way of understanding history was inspired by many unresolved problems of the past interpretations and the author’s opinions, and devoid of the human factor documents of the archives, which failed to rise to objective conclusions. Time raised the question about the basis of psychological factor for the interpretation of historical events. The object of the research was the study of local history, ethnographic museums, which stimulate visitors in special units or in museum complexes and, of course, researchers to model the life of the historical past [4]. The doors of the museums open; the story goes into the current life, but certainly in a confined space. They develop new research areas as historical tourism that supports political culture, on the one hand, and historical psychology, working directly on the quality of historical research, and the penetration into the human factor in the historical process on the other hand. The difference between historical tourism from the traditional Ethnography is that Ethnography adheres to the locality of the historical information, which is specific to the region. Moreover, historic tourism builds ties that are committed to the integrity of national history. Of course, along with the tourist places of historical content there is historical re-enactment animation and drama, that are increasingly popular nowadays; “bridge” to the reconstruction of historical events is panoramic complexes, which are also included in tourist routes. The relevance of the stated themes of the study is that the political culture of the Russians (and it is based primarily on historical knowledge) must not be focused only on bookish knowledge of history, but also on the history in action – here is tourism of the historical themes and dramatization of historical events.
history, Fatherland, understanding of history, human factors, reconstruction of history, the pursuit of the truth, actuality, archive, tourist routes, modeling history
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