Increasing importance of innovative development has resulted in the need for more in-depth study of its nature, content and forms of interaction between the participants of this process, find ways to improve its effectiveness. It becomes obvious that the formation of the country on the path of high-quality development is impossible without a systematic and well-calibrated state support of innovation activity of enterprises. With the development of the domestic economy enterprise is faced with a vast array of problems to solve on their own that it can not. That is why you need a balanced and effective innovation infrastructure aimed at supporting, encouraging and developing entrepreneurship. Innovative firms are actively conducting research and development, making a significant contribution to the process of innovation, technological renewal of production. Orientation government policy to improve the status of science and education, encouraging companies involved in knowledge-intensive production, export promotion of high-tech products, will create the foundations of a fundamentally new model of economic growth for Russia. Enhancing the development dimension of innovation activity of enterprises in the short to medium term posluzhitbazisom for laying the foundation of an efficient economy. The article analyzed the micro-level innovation system, the basic ways of organizing innovation activities of enterprises, analyzed the organizational structure of the organizations associated with the development and implementation of innovations, the main problems faced by the enterprises of this sector, due to the need for state support of innovative activity at the micro level, by creating market-oriented innovation infrastructure, determined the nature, objectives and components of the innovation infrastructure, considered aspects needed to build an effective infrastructure.
organization, management, efficiency, innovation and infrastructure.
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