Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Growth rates of production of furniture in our country increase every year. And as the statistics, generally due to production of furniture from slabby glued materials, such as a chipboard, fiber board of average density, plywood shows. Apply to an upclassing of a surface of boards of slabby materials most often PVC films, the decorative paper and layered plastic and much less often the planed interline interval and an interline interval began to use a fayn-line. It is connected by that at a veneering a planed interline interval one of defects of a veneering – infiltration of glue on a front surface of a board very often comes to light. Ways of elimination of such defects aren´t present and therefore the spent materials simply are utilized and hit the pocket the producer. To avoid these risks the producer simply refuses use of similar materials. Our research was reduced increasing viscosity of glue and by that to exclude possibility of its infiltration on a front surface. For this purpose we suggest to enter into working solution gluing a filler – grinding dust. Use of grinding dust in the form of a filler at a veneering of boards allows to solve at once some problems: to use at a veneering of boards low-toxic urea-formaldehyde resin (today in production of products from wood generally urea-formaldehyde resin with a carbamide ratio to formaldehyde 1:1.5 are used), to increase durability of pasting of a basis and facing materials, to reduce marriage percent due to infiltration of glue on a front surface. Results of researches showed that it is possible to use low-toxic urea-formaldehyde resin where the filler in the form of grinding dust will be added to a compounding of glues at a veneering of boards. Optimum values of quantity of a filler from the square of infiltration of glue at a front surface and durabilities of gluing of facing layers to a basis were established.

Glue, filler, grinding dust, furniture board, interline interval fayn-line, veneering, durability.

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