Currently, the use of wood plate materials (WPM) in various industries is steadily increasing due to a number of technological and economic advantages. Along with this, there is the improvement of methods of manufacturing and materials used for this purpose. One of the most commonly types of glue used for production of plywood as one of the types of WPM are urea-formaldehyde resins. In the manufacture of adhesive compositions based on them possible to use a wide range of sorbents that provide a variety of improved technological properties, such as adhesive, and the finished plywood. One of these properties is the level of free formaldehyde emissions from finished plywood, which directly affects to the possibility of its using in different rooms and characterizes the level of consumer risks in its operation. Scientifically it proved possible to reduce the level of emission of free formaldehyde from finished plywood with using of natural zeolite clinoptilolite treated in weak pulsed magnetic fields (SIMP) and ultra-high frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF microwave), as a sorbent of urea-formaldehyde resin filler in the manufacture of plywood for general using. This study evaluated the level of consumer risks in the operation of plywood manufactured with sorbent activated in SIMP and microwave EMF. In this paper describes the main influencing factors as well as the possibility of reducing calculation errors in consumer risk shows the feasibility of using a simplified calculation of constant values while respecting the basic influencing factors. Calculations of changes in con-sumer risk for saples of plywood manufactured with using sorbents, activated in SIMP and EMF microwave were made, established decrease by 25 and 33 % respectively.
consumer risks, emission of formaldehyde, plywood, electromagnetic fields, urea-formaldehyde resin, adhesive.
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