Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Improving the efficiency of freight transport and industrial processes of forest complex is of great importance in the production activities of its business depends on many factors. The most important factor is the choice of the type operated by forestry staff and capacity of its units. In a scientific paper delivered and successfully solved the problem of determining the optimum load capacity of rolling stock unit forestry given distance transportation of timber cargo and average technical speed of vehicles in the transportation of timber cargo. At the same time optimal load unit Forestry rolling stock is determined by the conditions at the lowest cost to transport certain types of timber cargo and operational performance logging train (short log). The formula determining the cost of transportation of one ton (1 m3) timber cargo, which was the basis for the determination of the optimum load capacity of logging trucks. For greater clarity of how the optimal load on the logging train hauling timber (timber assortments) of the distance transportation, ways to perform loading and unloading operations and technical speed on the example of existing timber companies (Kulikovskii forestry) built a graph.

optimum load capacity, Forestry rolling stock unit of rolling stock, transport and cargo process, forestry enterprise, timber industry, timber cargo, timber assortments, downtime

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