Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Full reproduction of steady and productive forest and landscape gardening plantings requires carrying out acclimatization of perspective species of wood plants in modern conditions of climatic changes and anthropogenous process. Improvement of a condition of cultures and plantations of nut bearing plants is a component of system of actions for increase of production of the food. Among nut bearing breeds of the most valuable the walnut (Juglans regia L is.). The introduction, selection and broad cultivation of a nut walnut in all areas suitable on climate in roadside protective forest belts, in gardening of settlements etc. are necessary. Cultivation of this breed demands carrying out the selection works directed on removal of grades and forms with quality fruits. Purposeful cultivation of cultures of a walnut demands development of effective methods of selection, including hybridization. In work the developed technique of determination of quality of fruits of a walnut for the Central Chernozem region which is necessary not only in connection with the available different interpretations, but also for the complex analysis of all quality indicators of fruits is presented. The generalized modernized system of definition of categories of economic value of fruits was developed for the Central Chernozem region. The main average indicators of external parameters and quality of fruits of local forms are defined and the generalizing table of distribution of qualitative signs on the established gradation is made. The selection and identification of potentially productive plants is an important issue and requires detailed study.
walnut, introduction, selection, quality of fruits, prospects assessment
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