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Abstract (English):
The legal content of the legislative initiative of the President of the Russian Federation is characterized by diversity of this phenomenon. It illustrates the relationship of legislative initiative as a constitutional head of state powers and as the stage of the legislative process; justifying the importance of the constitutional-legal institute of legislative initiative of the President of the Russian Federation in the legal system of the Russian Federation. Particular attention is given to the positive and negative characteristics of the presence of the head of state of this legal instrument. Being legislative initiative is seen in the existence of constitutional and legal relationship between the subject of the right of legislative initiative and representative organ of state power over the application, taking in consideration and issued a legislative proposal on the various stages of the legislative process. Substantiates the role of the legislative initiatives of the President of the Russian Federation in various stages of the legislative process. There is a trend to strengthen the executive power in the legislative process, with the result that the center of the legislative initiative is moved from the parliament to the executive branch and to the President. It is concluded that a legislative initiative of the President acts as a practical manifestation of the principle of separation of powers, the observance of which helps to maintain the authority of the country´s presidency, predetermining the leading position of the President of the Russian Federation in the state and society.

Legislative initiative, the stage of the legislative process, constitutional-legal institute of the constitutional powers of the President of the Russian Federation.

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