Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The author indicates that the feature of contracts of power supply through connected network of electricity, thermal energy and gas, which it calls the contracts built under the model of power supply contract, is that they mediate their underlying specific economic relations, the main feature of which is the scope of the scope of the consumption resources. This fact is the main factor separation obligations to supply through the connecting network into an separation type of contract in the civillaw obligations. For the first time in the literature, the author proves the inclusion of these contractual obligations as the types of contract not only the supply of the connected network electricity, heat and gas, but also oil, oil products and cold water.

Contracts of power supply through connected network, contracts built under the model of power supply contract, subject-matter of the contracts of supply through connected network, economic relations in the sphere of resources supply through connected network, obligations to supply through connected network as a separate contractual type.

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